Soluzione Solare

The Belief and persistent efforts of Soluzione Solare is towards making renewable energies becoming the main electrical energy source in the near future.

In Southern Europe during several days of summer this is already a reality with the production of renewable energy reaching 65-70% of energy needs several times in these last years. Over the years the Photo Voltaic (PV) installations have increased considerably worldwide.

In 2010, the total worldwide installed capacity had reached 35 GW and after only five years, in 2015, the value had exceeded 200 GW, reaching more than 840 GW in 2021 and overtake 1100 GW in 2022.Growth is little less than exponential.

The following overview reports the growth of the market development in Europe and worldwide:


The development of renewable energy is not only due to the possibility of generating energy with less environmental impact, but also to its cost-effectiveness, compared to other energy sources in the market.

In 2005, PV was one of the most expensive energy sources worldwide. It holds a considerable global spread thus resulting economies of scale along with technological innovations, which have led to a decrease in costs inversely proportional to the passage of years.

The story of Soluzione Solare began in 2001, when after his long history with Big oil came to an end, Founder Andrea Calatroni joined an innovative company producing and installing photovoltaic systems. Enriched with this knowledge, Our founder established Soluzione Solare in 2007.

The experience gained over years through building photovoltaic systems led to the development of Soluzione Solare’s range of high-performance photovoltaic products.

About us

Today Soluzione Solare is an international brand, specialized in the production of high performance sensors for the measurement and monitoring of solar radiation and temperature in renewable energy plants, photovoltaic systems and weather gauges. These sensors are designed specifically to measure the performance of photovoltaic systems with as much accuracy as possible.

Precision, quality and stability

Our sensors are no ordinary sensors !!

  • Onboard precision components guarantee linearity and accuracy.
  • Circuits compensate the signal as the temperature of the photovoltaic cell changes, returning the same value for across a wide temperature range (-30°C – 88°C).
  • A treatment unique to Soluzione Solare gives stable measurements over time.
  • High quality materials ensure they pass rigorous ageing tests according to the IEC EN 61215.

All Soluzione Solare products are designed for stable, accurate measurement, whilst remaining cost effective.

Soluzione Solare follows a strict quality management system that is ISO 9001: 2015 certified.

TUV ISO9001 logo

Accuracy in calibration

Calibration is carried out individually for each sensor, using a primary sensor calibrated by an accredited institute as reference. We follow the IEC 60904-4 requirements for photovoltaic cells, and ISO 9847 requirements for thermopile sensors.

We also offer calibration services of our sensors using a reference cell periodically calibrated by the DAKKS accredited ISFH Insititute.

Future development and goals

Our close collaboration with the ARPAV Institute of Meteorology in Teolo (Italy), which boasts 200 weather stations of which roughly one hundred are equipped with pyranometers, drives us towards continuous improvement.

A desire to grow leads us to develop innovative products that growing market needs to better monitor photovoltaic systems and weather installations. Requests are also assessed for the creation of custom sensors for high-tech clients.


Drop us a line for free and impartial advice from highly experienced professionals.