

Experience unparalleled accuracy in solar irradiance, wind and temperature measurement. Ensure optimal performance of your power installations.

July 17, 2024

Find Out How to connect a sensor with 4-20 milliamps output to a Datalogger/PLC

HOW TO CONNECT A SENSOR WITH 4-20 MILLIAMPS OUTPUT TO A DATALOGGER/PLC 4-20mA output sensors are widespread in the world. This is because the output in ‘current loop’ is the most robust and reliable kind of analogical output. When signal precision is needed, or datalogger-to-sensor distances are over 18m, or in case of electromagnetic disturbances, it’s […]

May 13, 2024

Compatibility Information for Sunmeter

Producer Article Code DataLogger / Inverter Model Link to Download Encombi SMx-485 ECpv-ECcube Kindly contact the Producer for Manual LMx-485 PYRx-485 Envolve srl SMx-485 SOLARNET®Datalogger Kindly contact the Producer for Manual LMx-485 PYRx-485 FIMER/ABB SM Sunspec FIMER/ABB inverter* Listed for CompatibilityInstallation Manual included in the product Fractalgarden SMx-485 ErmesLog Listed for CompatibilityKindly contact the Producer […]

May 07, 2024

Solarimeters vs pyranometers When monitoring the performance of solar plants and solar energy

When monitoring the performance of solar plants and solar energy, is it better using a silicon solarimeter or a pyranometer? When deciding between solarimeters and pyranometers, it is better to use a solarimeter (or silicon cell irradiation sensor) for the following reasons. Obviously, pyranometers have some advantages. In the downloadable PDF below, each of these four points […]

May 07, 2024

Calibration of thermopile and photovoltaic pyranometers

Until recently, calibration was done by taking the classic thermopile pyranometer as reference, because we, the testers, had only that tool as a reference. Yes, even we calibrated our primary sensors by comparison with a pyranometer, albeit the best one on the market: a Kipp & Zonen Secondary Standard. But, from months of comparative surveys, […]

December 07, 2023

A photovoltaic systems manteinance bordering on perfection

It is already the 6th year that we have the irradiance sensors for an O&M in Foggia that manages 60 MW of plants: the ones managed by them stand out by the performance (around 84% and more) of the plants. Plants maintenance – their recipe is always the same Their recipe is always the same. […]

October 26, 2023

What is an Anemometer?

Anemometers are instruments that measure wind speed. Users can employ it in different installations, like for example for the management and monitoring of wind farms, weather stations, photovoltaic plants, ski lift, highways, viaducts, high routes, airports. In most applications, users equip anemometer with anti-icing system. TYPES OF ANEMOMETERS Based on the operating principle they are divided […]

July 25, 2022

The right irradiance sensor for your requirements

This infographic will show you how to choose the right solar sensor for your requirements. It will help you decide based on analysis requirements. It is unbiased and independent of the manufacturer. The infographic also has scope in the studies of plant and weed growth, solar farm management and meteorology. Use this infographic on your […]

July 25, 2022

How do thermopile pyranometers work?

The physics behind the thermopile pyranometer Solar radiation can be measured according to the Seebeck effect. This thermopile effect is part of a physical phenomenon called thermoelectric effect, in which the temperature difference between two dissimilar electrical conductors produces a voltage difference. The potential difference between the two conductors kept at different temperatures is defined as the […]

July 25, 2022

Photovoltaic and Thermopile Pyranometers: Let’s get some clarity on reference standards

Pyranometers are devices used to measure solar irradiance. According to the operating principle, we distinguish the Thermopile Pyranometers from the photovoltaic one. The latter is called too photovoltaic cell pyranometer, irradiance sensor or reference cell. Each instrument has to follow specific regulations and metrological references. Photovoltaic Pyranometer: standards rules For this specific kind of Pyranometer […]

July 25, 2022

The difference between calibration and adjustment, accuracy and precision

Calibration and adjustment are two similar processes that are often confused and wrongly used interchangeably. This article aims to clear up the differences. The difference between Calibration and Adjustment The National Physics Laboratory clearly explains the key differences between CALIBRATION and ADJUSTMENT: The procedure is: You can learn about our pyranometer calibration here. An indepth article […]